
Platform naming rules have been changed

To allow upcoming support for multiple platforms, the naming rules have been updated to follow this convention:

  • platform-kernel <- kernel pkg used by the platform (i.e rpi-kernel)
  • platform-base <- base pkg used by the platform (i.e rpi-base)

That means that for the Raspberry Pi the base-system package no longer depends on the old kernel-rpi package or any other platform specific package.

To successfully upgrade your rpi follow these steps:

# xbps-install -Syu
... [ base-system will be updated to >=0.80 ] ...

# xbps-install -Sy rpi-base
... [ rpi-base will install rpi-kernel pkg ] ...

# xbps-pkgdb -m manual rpi-base
... [ rpi-base is now the main platform pkg ] ...

For x86 users the base-system package still depends on platform specific packages for compatibility, so you can safely ignore this post.