
Infrastructure Week - Day 3: Are We Down?

Are We Down?

So far we’ve looked at a relatively sizable fleet of machines scattered across a number of different providers, technologies, and management styles. We’ve then looked at the myriad of services that were running on top of the fleet and the tools used to deploy and maintain those services. At its heart, Void is a large distributed system with many parts working in concert to provide the set of features that end users and maintainers engage with.

Like any machine, Void’s infrastructure has wear items, parts that require replacement, and components that break unexpectedly. When this happens we need to identify the problem, determine the cause, formulate a plan to return to service, and execute a set of workflows to either permanently resolve the issue, or temporarily bypass a problem to buy time while we work on a more permanent fix.

Lets go through the different systems and services that allow us to work out what’s gone wrong, or what’s still going right. We can broadly divide these systems into two kinds of monitoring solutions. In the first category we have logs. Logs are easy to understand conceptually because they exist all around us on every system. Metrics are a bit more abstract, and usually measure specific quantifiable qualities of a system or service. Void makes use of both Logs and Metrics to determine how the fleet is operating.


Metrics quantify some part of a system. You can think of metrics as a wall of gauges and charts that measure how a system works, similarly to the dashboard of a car that provides information about the speed of the vehicle, the rotational speed of the engine, and the coolant temperature and fuel levels. In Void’s case, metrics refers to quantities like available disk space, number of requests per minute to a webserver, time spent processing a mirror sync and other similar items.

We collect these metrics to a central point on a dedicated machine using Prometheus, which is a widely adopted metrics monitoring system. Prometheus “scrapes” all our various sources of metrics by downloading data from them over HTTP, parsing it, and adding it to a time-series database. From this database we can then query for how a metric has changed over time in addition to whatever its current value is. This is on the surface not that interesting, but it turns out to be extremely useful since it allows checking how a value has changed over time. Humans turn out to be really good at pattern recognition, but machines are still better and we can have Prometheus predict trend lines, compute rates and compare them, and line up a bunch of different metrics onto the same graph so we can compare what different values were reading at the same time.

The metrics that Prometheus fetches come from programs that are collectively referred to as exporters. These exporters export the status information of the system they integrate with. Lets look at the individual exporters that Void uses and some examples of the metrics they provide.

Node Exporter

Perhaps the most widely deployed exporter, the node_exporter provides information about nodes. In this case a node is a server somewhere, and the exporter provides a lot of general information about how the server is performing. Since it is a generic exporter, we get many many metrics out of it, not all of which apply to the Void fleet.

Some of the metrics that are exported include the status of the disk, memory, cpu and network, as well as more specialized information such as the number of context switches and various kernel level values from /proc.

SSL Exporter

The SSL Exporter provides information about the various TLS certificates in use across the fleet. It does this by probing the remote services to retrieve the certificate and then extract values from it. Having these values allows us to alert on certificates that are expiring soon and have failed to renew, as well as to ensure that the target sites are reachable at all.

Compiler Cache Exporter

Void’s build farm makes use of ccache to speed up rebuilds when a build needs to be stopped and restarted. This is rarely useful because software has already had a test build by the time it makes it to our systems. However for large packages such as chromium, Firefox, and boost where a failure can occur due to an out of space condition or memory exhaustion. Having the compiler cache statistics allows us to determine if we’re efficiently using the cache.

Repository Exporter

The repository exporter is custom software that runs in two different configurations for Void. In the first configuration it checks our internal sync workflows and repository status. The metrics that are reported include the last time a given repository was updated, how long it took to copy from its origin builder to the shadow mirror, and whether or not the repository is currently staging changes or if the data is fully consistent. This status information allows maintainers to quickly and easily check whether a long running build has fully flushed through the system and the repositories are in steady state. It also provides a convenient way for us to catch problems with stuck rsync jobs where the rsync service may have become hung mid-copy.

In the second deployment the repo exporter looks not at Void’s repos, but all of the mirrors. The information gathered in this case is whether the remote repo is still synchronizing with the current repodata or not, and how far behind the origin the remote repo is. The exporter can also work out how long a given mirror takes to sync if the remote mirror has configured timer files in their sync workflow, which can help us to alert a mirror sponsor to an issue at their end.


Logs in Void’s infrastructure are conceptually not unlike the files on disk in /var/log on a Void system. We have two primary systems that store and retrieve logs within our fleet.

Build Logs

The build system produces copious amounts of log output that we need to retain effectively forever to be able to look back on if a problem occurs in a more recent version of a package and we want to know if the problem has always been present. Because of this, we use buildbot’s built in log storage to store a large volume of logs on disk with locality to the build servers. These build logs aren’t searchable, nor are they structured. Its just the output of the build workflow and xbps-src’s status messages written to disk.

Service Logs

Service logs are a bit more interesting, since these are logs that come from the broad collection of tasks that run on Nomad and may be themselves entirely ephemeral. The sync processes are a good example of this workflow where the process only exists as long as the copy runs, and then the task goes away, but we still need a way to determine if any faults occurred. To achieve this result, we stream the logs to Loki.

Loki is a complex distributed log processing system which we run in all-in-one mode to reduce its operational overhead. The practical benefit of Loki is that it handles the full text searching and label indexing of our structure log data. Structured logs simply refers to the idea that the logs are more than just raw text, but have some organizational hierarchy such as tags, JSON data, or a similar kind of metadata that enables fast and efficient cataloging of text data.

Using this Data

Just collecting metrics and logs is one thing, actually using it to draw meaningful conclusions about the fleet and what its doing is another. We want to be able to visualize the data, but we also don’t want to have to constantly be watching graphs to determine when something is wrong. We use different systems to access the data depending on whether a human or a machine is going to watch it.

For human access, we make use of Grafana to display nice graphs and dashboards. You can actually view all our public dashboards at https://grafana.voidlinux.org where you can see the mirror status, the builder status, and various other at-a-glance views of our systems. We use grafana to quickly explore the data and query logs when diagnosing a fault because its extremely optimized for this use case. We also are able to edit dashboards on the fly to produce new views of data which can help explain or visualize a fault.

For machines, we need some other way to observe the data. This kind of workflow, where we want the machine to observe the data and raise an alarm or alert if something is wrong is actually built in to Prometheus. We just load a collection of alerting rules which tell Prometheus what to look for in the pile of data at its disposal.

These rules look for things like predictions that the amount of free disk space will reach zero within 4 hours, the system load being too high for too long, or a machine thrashing too many context switches. Since these rules use the same query language that humans use to interactively explore the data, it allows for one-off graphs to quickly become alerts if we decide an issue that is intermittent is something we should keep an eye on long term. These alerts then raise conditions that a human needs to validate and potentially respond to, but that isn’t something Prometheus does.

Fortunately for managing alerts, we can simply deploy the Prometheus Alertmanager, and this is what we do. This dedicated software takes care of receiving, deduplicating and grouping, and then forwarding alerts to other systems to actually do the summoning of a human to do something about the alert. In larger organizations, an alertmanager configuration would also route different alerts to different teams of people. Since Void is a relatively small organization, we just need the general pool of people who can do something to be made aware. There are lots of ways to do this, but the easiest is to just send the alerts to IRC.

This involves an IRC bot, and fortunately Google already had one publicly available we could run. The alertrelay bot connects to IRC on one end and alertmanager on the other and passes alerts to an IRC channel where all the maintainers are. We can’t acknowledge the alerts from IRC, but most of the time we’re just generally keeping an eye on things and making sure no part of the fleet crashes in a way that automatic recovery doesn’t work.

Monitoring for Void - Altogether

Between metrics and logs we can paint a complete picture of what’s going on anywhere in the fleet and the status of key systems. Whether its a performance question or an outage in progress, the tools at our disposal allow us to introspect systems without having to log in directly to any particular system.

This has been day three of Void’s infrastructure week. Check back tomorrow to learn about what we do when things go wrong, and how we recover from failure scenarios. This post was authored by maldridge who runs most of the day to day operations of the Void fleet. Feel free to ask questions on GitHub Discussions or in IRC.